the future

The volunteers' work impacts all our lives

We are seeing signs of charity moving

Charity, commonly defined as the practice of being benevolent, giving and sharing, is currently undergoing a powerful transformation. We are seeing signs of charity moving from being dependent on generous donations of large organisations and affluent citizens to becoming more decentralised, thanks to emerging technologies such as VR, the blockchain and P2P lending.

Individuals and large corporations

New payment technologies are now allowing charity to be ingrained at a grassroots level by enabling people to make small donations in a convenient way through micro-donations. An emblematic example of this scheme is Pennies, a “digital charity box”, created with a purpose to raise funds for a variety of UK charities.

Another potentially far-reaching innovation in charity is the use of virtual reality that allows people to experience, in a very tangible way, the lives of particular groups of people — be that the visually or hearing impaired, refugees, or those living in polluted environments. The organizations that have tested VR with a charitable purpose, including UNICEF and the UN, have reported a strong response from the public (expressed in monetary terms).

The campaign resulted in one in six people donating

The blockchain is a hot topic in incredible number of industries, and charity is no exception.


Fundraising and building trust

Blockchain technology could improve the transparency of charitable giving by allowing people to track their donations as they go through an organization.


Unlimited size

Big transfers are time-consuming and subject to a potential theft by intermediaries, something that is technically impossible when using the blockchain.


Non-profit lending platforms

Charity today is not as straightforward as it used to be; it goes way beyond donating money or goods to those in need.

Déjanos tu donación

Puedes elegir cualquiera de los siguientes metodos de pago, el que mejor se adapte a ti:


Completa los datos y en breve te enviaremos un mail para terminar el proceso de suscripción.

Apadrine Alimentos

$ 12990 Mensual

Apadrine Cuidados de Salud

$ 20990 Mensual

Mejoras Estructurales del Santuario

$ 49990 Mensual

Los datos enviados desde este formulario serán recibidos por un colaborador quien se encargará de inscribirte al plan que seleccionaste en el formulario. Luego te llegará un mail desde Flow con una invitación para inscribir tu tarjeta de crédito y desde donde continuaras el proceso de suscripción directamente desde la plataforma de Flow. Este proceso es totalmente seguro ya que está totalmente respaldado y gestionado por la plataforma de pago Flow.

El proceso de pago es totalmente seguro ya que las suscripciones se gestionan directamente por la plataforma de pago Flow. Todas las transacciones son respaldadas por esta plataforma. Saber más