our history

We make a life by what we give

Brave individual and collective action can make that world a reality

It’s a positive vision, rooted in hope, and the conviction that when people in large numbers believe change is possible, change becomes possible. We believe that when we take Nature as our model, mentor, and measure, we can change the way we feed and fuel our world. We can live in harmony with the Earth and each other. We believe optimism is a form of courage. We believe that a billion acts of courage can spark a brighter tomorrow.

We model

To that end we model courage, we champion courage, we share stories of courageous acts by our supporters and allies, we invite people out of their comfort zones to take courageous action with us, individually in their daily lives, and in community with others who share our commitment to a better world.

A green and peaceful future is our quest.

The heroes of our story are all of us who believe that better world is not only within reach, but being built today. The demons we must wrestle are the stories that are holding back a better world: that change is “impossible”, “too expensive”, “naive”, “impractical.” Stories that are rooted in apathy, cynicism, and despair and tell all of us we’re too small, too few, too weak to change the world. We believe the story of the human journey is better than that.

They stand up and take action together

That it’s rooted in courage, optimism, and creativity. That when people who believe in those things band together, when they stand up and take action together, their courage is compounded, it becomes contagious. Their voices are amplified, their stories ripple out to change the world. The old stories are failing us – the stories of infinite growth in a finite world. The stories that tell us we can consume our way to happiness.

Déjanos tu donación

Puedes elegir cualquiera de los siguientes metodos de pago, el que mejor se adapte a ti:

Transferencia bancaria

Fundación Santuario Empatía
Banco Estado


Completa los datos y en breve te enviaremos un mail para terminar el proceso de suscripción.

Apadrine Alimentos

$ 12990 Mensual

Apadrine Cuidados de Salud

$ 20990 Mensual

Mejoras Estructurales del Santuario

$ 49990 Mensual

Los datos enviados desde este formulario serán recibidos por un colaborador quien se encargará de inscribirte al plan que seleccionaste en el formulario. Luego te llegará un mail desde Flow con una invitación para inscribir tu tarjeta de crédito y desde donde continuaras el proceso de suscripción directamente desde la plataforma de Flow. Este proceso es totalmente seguro ya que está totalmente respaldado y gestionado por la plataforma de pago Flow.

El proceso de pago es totalmente seguro ya que las suscripciones se gestionan directamente por la plataforma de pago Flow. Todas las transacciones son respaldadas por esta plataforma. Saber más