
A small charity has a big impact.

Charityfy applies a body of scientific knowledge called the Brain Story, which helps to explain the connection between the experiences we have in our lives and our physical, emotional and social outcomes. Whenever a client comes to Charityfy with a problem, we consider the big picture circumstances surrounding that problem. To do this, we use a tool called the Resiliency Matrix.

An Evidence-Based Approach

Charityfy Awards

As we’ve evolved into an evidence-based social agency, Charityfy has been recognized by multiple stakeholders for the impact of our programs and our commitment to building resilience in individuals, families and communities.


Top Impact Charity Summary

A growing niche of donors each year is looking for terrific charities to support, particularly those that have measurable, proven, and high impact.


Top Canadian Charity

We see ourselves as research analysts who help Canadian donors give better. Yes, we hold charities accountable for the generous support they receive.


International Charity

Charity Intelligence’s reports and ratings help Canadians give confidently. With greater confidence, people say they gave 32% more money.

Lasting change

Using the science of brain development, CUPS provides integrated programs and services that help our clients manage adversity and build resilience. We focus on strategies that lead to lasting change, and we work with partners who are shaping better outcomes for generations to come.

Déjanos tu donación

Puedes elegir cualquiera de los siguientes metodos de pago, el que mejor se adapte a ti:

Transferencia bancaria

Fundación Santuario Empatía
Banco Estado


Completa los datos y en breve te enviaremos un mail para terminar el proceso de suscripción.

Apadrine Alimentos

$ 12990 Mensual

Apadrine Cuidados de Salud

$ 20990 Mensual

Mejoras Estructurales del Santuario

$ 49990 Mensual

Los datos enviados desde este formulario serán recibidos por un colaborador quien se encargará de inscribirte al plan que seleccionaste en el formulario. Luego te llegará un mail desde Flow con una invitación para inscribir tu tarjeta de crédito y desde donde continuaras el proceso de suscripción directamente desde la plataforma de Flow. Este proceso es totalmente seguro ya que está totalmente respaldado y gestionado por la plataforma de pago Flow.

El proceso de pago es totalmente seguro ya que las suscripciones se gestionan directamente por la plataforma de pago Flow. Todas las transacciones son respaldadas por esta plataforma. Saber más